xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' boocha babes: Herbalism and Kombucha

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Herbalism and Kombucha

I have an herb problem.

Okay, more like a love affair. Not only are herbs tools for creating really unique flavor profiles, but they also add a great medicinal quality to your kombucha.

Sort of like homeopathy via beverage, I think about how I'm feeling physically and mentally and then cater to those needs by infusing my boocha with the appropriate herbs during the second fermentation.

Depressed? A little St. John's wort will do you wonders. Insomnia? Try lavender and chamomile. Feel a cold coming on? Cayenne pepper will ward it off, as well as stimulating the digestive track.

The possibilities are pretty much endless with herbal kombucha, and who doesn't want a be-well elixer on hand?
For those of you who are also garden enthusiasts, there's something really special about designing a magical drink with a fresh product grown right outside (or inside) your home.

A wise woman who works in one of my favorite local herb shops once said to me: "Just pick one herb and develop a relationship with it. Learn about it's strengths and weaknesses, explore all of the ways in which it can be used." I really enjoyed that concept, and it's something I've tried to connect with my kombucha exploration. So, here are some ideas that will perhaps ignite your own herbal journey.

Brewer: Sarah

herb & fruit combinations for second ferment
St. John's wort, lavender, lemon
strawberry, basil
jasmine, green tea, raspberry
strawberry, rose, hibiscous
tangerine, lemon, turmeric, ginger, cayenne
blackberry, mint, twig tea
cucumber, lime, mint, green apple
lemon verbena, ginger
jasmine green tea, white peach, rosemary
blackberry, sage
St. John's wort, red clover, chrysanthemum, sencha

Go forth and concoct!

(My herb collection pre-move, above, and post move)

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